Success At Saltex

At Saltex this year we had a number of new machines showcasing including:
The New TS Industrie GS/Puma Remote Controlled Tracked Shredder
TS Industrie leaders in Green Waste shredding technology extend their current range of Green Series Shredders with a preview of the future with the showing of the exciting NEW PUMA REMOTE CONTROL TRACKED SHREDDER offering more efficiency in green waste shredding. This prototype machine created alot of interest with both new and old customers.
The New Eliet Turfaway 600 Turf Cutter
Also on show was a prototype of the new Eliet Turfaway 600. The unique concept allows you to quickly loosen a thin turf layer with precision and the construction of this 60cm wide turf cutter on tracks ensures a stable machine with optimum soil grip, which ensures maximum comfort for the operator.
Designed with optimum manoeuvrability in mind, the propulsion of the tracks is hydrostatic. The speed of each track can be adjusted so that the machine takes corners smoothly and can even turn on its axis.
The First Showing At Saltex Of The AS YAK Ride-On Flail Mower
Launched into the market a couple of months ago, the AS 1040 YAK ride-on flail mower offers a 100cm wide flail mowing unit that is a superior alternative to rotary mowers.
To arrange a demopnstration or to discuss your requirements please get in touch with our sales team.